
All information about The Digestive system that include Digestive process and Gastrointestinal tract activities and regulatory mechanisms in GIT and phases of digestion and the glands of digestive system and Digestion and Absorption in the GIT and Digestion of Carbohydrates and Digestion of Protein and Digestion of Lipids and ather

 The Digestive system  The alimentary canal or gastrointestinal (GI) tract digests and absorbs food.  Divided to Alimentary canal : mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine    Accessory digestive organs : teeth, tongue, gallbladder, salivary gilands, liver, and pancreas Digestive process There are six essential activities:   ▪ Ingestion,  ▪ Propulsion,  ▪ Mechanical Digestion  ▪ Chemical Digestion,  ▪ Absorption, And   ▪ Defecation this link have PDF about Gastrointestinal tract activities and regulatory mechanisms in GIT https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KY64v8FcUK8ZCJCWg0cWV-cs3xDXgUgu/view?usp=drivesdk This link have PDF about phases of digestion and the glands of  digestive system 1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KYFi9qtvvYFcr8TMB5umIqZvZtNQm1x7/view?usp=drivesdk This link have PDF about phases of digestion and the glands of  digestive system 2 and Digestion and Absorption...

Cannula Care and Removal Procedure ,, the equipment ,, the objective ,, Indications of cannula care and removal:

Cannula Care and Removal Procedure Introduction : Intravenous (IV) cannulation is a technique in which a cannula placed inside a vein to provide venous access as introducing intravenous medication, infusion, or parental nutrition. Caring of cannula is routine care but most important to health care associated infection (HAIs). Intravenous (IV) cannulation :  is indicated for short-term use in many clinical situations. Objective : To prevent infection To prevent further risk of complications To monitor the patency of the IV cannula Indications of cannula care and removal: Indications of care Indications of removal 1. When dressing becomes wet, blood        stained or is not well secured 2. Inspect insertion site & patency of cannula.   1. According to hospital policy (recommended 48-72 hours). 2. When IV therapy is completed as ordered. 3. In case of complications (infection, phlebitis or extravasation). 4. When the cannula became unpatented ...

Enema installation ,, the equipment ,, the type of enema ,, Cleansing Enema ,, advice to use.

Enema installation and the equipment that need  Administration of Enema procedure Introduction: Enema is the administration of substances in liquid form into the rectum, either to evacuate bowel or administer medication. Indications: To remove fecal matter. Relieve constipation & gaseous distention. Establish normal bowel function. Relieve straining on defecation. Emptying bowel before diagnostic tests, surgery & childbirth. Administration of some medication Types of Enema: Cleansing Enema : Cleansing enemas promote the complete evacuation of feces from the colon. They act by stimulating peristalsis through the infusion of a large volume of solution or through local irritation of colon mucosa. Medicated enemas:  giving medication like neomycin, an antibiotic used to reduce bacteria in colon before bowel surgery. Retention Enema : It uses a solution held within the large intestine for a specified period, usually at least 30 minutes ( oil retention enema) Equipment neede...