All information about The Digestive system that include Digestive process and Gastrointestinal tract activities and regulatory mechanisms in GIT and phases of digestion and the glands of digestive system and Digestion and Absorption in the GIT and Digestion of Carbohydrates and Digestion of Protein and Digestion of Lipids and ather
- The Digestive system
The alimentary canal or gastrointestinal (GI)
tract digests and absorbs food.
Divided to
Alimentary canal:
mouth, pharynx,
esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large
intestine Accessory digestive
teeth, tongue,
gallbladder, salivary
gilands, liver, and
Digestive process
There are six
essential activities:
▪ Ingestion,
▪ Propulsion,
▪ Mechanical Digestion
▪ Chemical Digestion,
▪ Absorption, And
▪ Defecation
this link have PDF about Gastrointestinal tract activities and regulatory mechanisms in GIT
This link have PDF about phases of digestion and the glands of
digestive system 1
This link have PDF about phases of digestion and the glands of
digestive system 2 and Digestion and Absorption in the GIT and of Carbohydrates and Digestion of Protein and Digestion of lipids. "Width="580px" height="805 "